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About Tourism@GAST 2013 brokerage event

Tourism@GAST 2013 will take place on the 08th of March during the GAST fair – 06.-10.March 2013 in Split, Croatia.

 Event is organised under the auspices of the Enterprise Europe Network by  the Croatian Chamber of Economy, and other EEN partners.


Enterprise Europe Network

The Enterprise Europe Network helps small business to make the most of the European marketplace. Working through local business organisations, we can help you:


GAST fair


GAST fair is a meeting point of numerous food, beverages, hotel and hospitality equipment producers and merchants, and it is recognized as a key spot of touristic season logistical contracting. This manifestation has a yearly growth trend of 35% for all elements included - the exhibition area, number of exhibitors and the number of visitors, as well as the number of contracts, which is an extreme rarity in Croatian fair industry.


The Croatian Chamber of Economy is an independent professional and business organisation of all legal entities engaging in business. It was established in 1852, organised in European tradition and on the so-called continental model of Austrian and German chambers with compulsory membership. Every company registered with the Commercial Court is a member of the Chamber.
The Croatian Chamber of Economy consists of the Headquarters in Zagreb and 20 county chambers. Among these, the Zagreb Chamber represents both the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County. Functionally, the CCE consists of 8 departments dealing with the respective branch of the economy, and it also includes 40 professional associations, 87 groups and 19 affiliations. Apart from this, within the CCE act five business centres, Permanent Arbitration Court, Conciliation Centre, Court of Honour and CCE Office for Areas of Special State Concern.
The Croatian Chamber of Economy is run by the Assembly, Management and Supervisory Boards, President, who is elected by the Assembly, and five Vice Presidents. The members of the Supervisory Board and Assembly are elected from among reputable business people. Together with the Chamber’s working bodies, they promote, represent and protect their members’ common interests before governmental authorities home and abroad.

City of Split – Croatian Tourism Champion

Split is a Mediterranean city on the eastern shores of the Adriatic Sea, centred around the ancient Roman Palace of the Emperor Diocletian and its bay and port. With a population of around 200.000 citizens, and a metropolitan area numbering up to 400.000, Split is by far the largest Dalmatian city and the second-largest city of Croatia.

Split is also one of the oldest cities in the area. While it is traditionally considered just over 1,700 years old counting from the construction of Diocletian's Palace in AD 305, archaeological research relating to the original founding of the city as the Greek colony of Aspálathos (Aσπάλαθος) in the 6th century BC, establishes the urban tradition of the area as being several centuries old.

For more information on Split:



Accomodation in Split:


Hotel Atrium *****

Hotel Atrium *****

Domovinskog rata 49a, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 200 000
Fax: +385 (0)21 200 100
Web: www.hotel-atrium.hr
E-mail: reservations@hotel-atrium.hr


Hotel Paradiso *****

Hotel Paradiso *****

Andrićeva b.b., 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 362 698
Fax: +385 (0)21 362 735
Web: www.paradiso-michel.hr
E-mail: mischal@inet.hr


Art hotel ****

Art hotel ****

Ulica slobode 41, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 302 302
Fax: +385 (0)21 302 300
Web: www.arthotel.hr

Hotel Dalmina ****

Hotel Dalmina ****

Kopilica 5, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 350 000
Fax: +385 (0)21 350 001
Web: www.hoteldalmina.hr
E-mail: recepcija@hoteldalmina.hr

Hotel Globo ****

Hotel Globo ****

Lovretska 18, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 481 111
Fax: +385 (0)21 481 118
Web: www.hotelglobo.com
E-mail: info@hotelglobo.com

Hotel Luxe ****

Hotel Luxe ****

Kralja Zvonimira 6, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 314 444
Fax: +385 (0)21 314 445
Web: www.hotelluxesplit.com
E-mail: management@hotelluxesplit.com

Hotel Marmont ****

Hotel Marmont ****

Zadarska 13, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 308 060
Fax: +385 (0)21 308 070
Web: www.marmonthotel.com
E-mail: booking@marmonthotel.com

Hotel Park ****

Hotel Park ****

Hatzeov perivoj 3, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 406 400
Fax: +385 (0)21 406 403
Web: www.hotelpark-split.hr
E-mail: sales@hotelpark-split.hr

Hotel President ****

Hotel President ****

Starčevićeva 1, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 305 222
Fax: +385 (0)21 305 225
Web: www.hotelpresident.hr
E-mail: info@hotelpresident.hr

Luxury Hotel Jupiter ****

Luxury Hotel Jupiter ****

Grabovčeva širina 1, 21000 Split
Tel/fax: +385 (0)21 786 500
e-mail: info@lhjupiter.com
web: www.lhjupiter.com

Radisson Blu Resort Hotel ****

Radisson Blu Resort Hotel ****

Put Trstenika 19, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 303 030
Fax: +385 (0)21 303 031
Web: www.radissonblu.com/resort-split
E-mail: info.split@radissonblu.com

Vestibul Palace ****

Vestibul Palace ****

Iza Vestibula 4a, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 329 329
Fax: +385 (0)21 329 333
Web: www.vestibulpalace.com
E-mail: info@vestibulpalace.com

Hotel Adriana ***

Hotel Adriana ***

Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda 8, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 340 000
Fax: +385 (0)21 340 008
Web: www.hotel-adriana.hr
E-mail: info@hotel-adriana.hr

Hotel Consul ***

Hotel Consul ***

Tršćanska 34, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 340 130
Fax: +385 (0)21 340 133
Web: www.hotel-consul.net
E-mail: hotel-consul@st.t-com.hr

Hotel Dujam ***

Hotel Dujam ***

Velebitska 27, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 538 025
Fax: +385 (0)21 537 258
Web: www.hoteldujam.com
E-mail: info@hoteldujam.com

Hotel Jadran ***

Hotel Jadran ***

Sustjepanski put 23, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 398 622
Fax: +385 (0)21 398 586
Web: www.hoteljadran.hr
E-mail: info@hoteljadran.hr

Hotel As ***

Hotel As ***

Kopilica 8a, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 366 100
Fax: +385 (0)21 366 111
Web: www.hotelas-split.com
E-mail: info@hotelas-split.com

Hotel More ***

Hotel More ***

Pape Ivana Pavla II 27, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 462 112
Fax: +385 (0)21 462 201
Web: www.hotelmore.hr
E-mail: hotelmore@hotelmore.hr

Hotel Peristil ***

Hotel Peristil ***

Poljana kraljice Jelene 5, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 329 070
Fax: +385 (0)21 329 088
Web: www.hotelperistil.com
E-mail: hotel.peristil@email.t-com.hr

Hotel Slavija ***

Hotel Slavija ***

Buvinina 2, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 323 840
Fax: +385 (0)21 323 868
Web: www.hotelslavija.com
E-mail: info@hotelslavija.com

Hotel Villa Diana ***

Hotel Villa Diana ***

Kuzmanića 3, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 482 460
Fax: +385 (0)21 482 451
Web: www.villadiana.hr
E-mail: info@villadiana.hr

Hotel Bellevue **

Hotel Bellevue **

Bana Josipa Jelačića 2, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 345 644
Fax: +385 (0)21 362 383
Web: www.hotel-bellevue-split.hr
E-mail: rezervacije@hotel-bellevue-split.hr

Hotel Zagreb

Hotel Zagreb

Put Duilova 23, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0)21 353 260
Fax: +385 (0)21 353 261
E-mail: hotel.zagreb@morh.hr




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